Wednesday, 11 September 2013

How to recover emails when 'Shift-Deleted' from Outlook?

Below are the steps to recover e-mails when 'shift-deleted'

  1. Click Start -> Run or Press Windows logo + R and type regedit (Do not log on to Outlook until you complete step 1 to 5).
  3. Right click on the right part of the window (on an empty space), choose ‘New’ then choose ‘DWORD VALUE’.


  1. Then right click and rename to DumpsterAlwaysOn.  It is case sensitive.
  2. Then right click on modify and make the value 1 to turn the Recover Deleted Items menu choice ON for all folders or enter 0 to turn it OFF.
  3. Then go to Outlook, choose "Recover deleted items" option from the Tools. and recover the permanently deleted mails.


Unable to read files or DVD/CD not detected on your computer.

If you are not able to read any files from DVD/CD or DVD Drive not detected on My Computer, you can try the below steps

1.Deleting Upper & lower Filters

1.         Click on Startand Run  or  ( WIN Logo  + R)

2.         Type down Regedit

3.         Locate the registry subkey from left side.

4.         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE  /System / CurentControlSet / Control / Class / {4d36e965e325-11ce-bfcl-08002be10318}

5.         Delete Upper Filter & Lower Filter from the right side.
(To delete, right click on the upper/lower filter and select delete)

6.         Close Regedit Windows & Restart your Computer & Check.

(If Upper and Lower filters are not present, then follow the below steps)


2. Try recovery CD or Operating System CD's and check whether that reads.

If it works, then please reinstall the DVD driver/Backup all your data and reinstall OS

If it doesnt work, please replace your CD/DVD Drive.

How to find fault from BEEP / LED Sequence of the Desktop / Workstation ?

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Making Bootable USB drive in Windows 7

Configure a USB flash drive to be a Windows 7 installation platform

Getting started

Of course, in order to employ this technique you’ll need a USB flash drive that is big enough to hold the contents of the Windows 7 DVD. The Windows 7 RC DVD is about 2.5GB, and you can expect that the RTM DVD will be at least that if not more. For my test system I am using a 4GB USB flash drive.
Keep in mind that the procedure we will use will completely reformat the USB flash drive. So you want to make sure that you back up any data that you have on the drive before you begin.
The systems on which you want to install Windows 7 via the USB flash drive have to be able to be configured to boot from a USB drive. Most new systems have the capability to boot from a USB flash drive, and the operation can usually be configured in the BIOS or by simply pressing a certain key during bootup. You’ll need to check your specific hardware in order to be sure.

Using the DiskPart utility

As you may know, the DiskPart utility is a command-line version of the Disk Management snap-in and is designed to allow you to manage disks, partitions, or volumes from within scripts or directly from a command prompt. We can use the DiskPart command in Windows Vista or in Windows 7 to configure a USB flash drive to be a bootable device. (Keep in mind that Windows XP’s DiskPart command is unable to create a bootable USB flash drive.)
To begin, connect your USB flash drive to a computer on which you will be preparing the drive. For my example, I’ll be using a Windows Vista system.
Now, locate the command Prompt shortcut on the Start menu, right-click on it, and select the Run as Administrator command. Then, respond appropriately to the UAC. You can now launch the DiskPart utility by typing DiskPart on the command line. You’ll then see the DISKPART prompt, as shown in Figure A.

Figure A

DiskPart has its own command-line environment complete with a special prompt.
Now that you’re in the DiskPart environment, you’ll need to locate the USB flash drive using the List Disk command. As you can see in Figure B, the List Disk command has identified my USB flash drive as Disk 5. I can verify that my USB flash drive is indeed Disk 5 by checking the Size column, which lists the size as 3906MB, which is roughly 4GB.

Figure B

Using the List Disk command displays all the disks in the system.
(If you have difficulty identifying your USB flash drive using the List Disk command, you can try the List Volume command, which will provide the drive letter as well as the label, both of which can help you to identify the drive.)
Once you identify the drive number of your USB flash drive, you will need to set the focus of the DiskPart environment on that disk. (This is an extremely important step–Make sure that you select the correct drive or you could accidentally destroy valuable data!) On my example, the USB flash drive is Disk 5, so I will use the command Select Disk 5, as shown in Figure C.

Figure C

To shift the focus over to the USB flash drive you’ll use the Select Disk command.
Now that your USB flash drive has the focus, you need to remove all the partition or volume formatting information from the disk. To do that, you’ll use the Clean command. The Clean operation should occur rather quickly. When it is done, you will see a success message like the one shown in Figure D.

Figure D

In order to start with a clean slate, you’ll use the Clean command to remove all partition and volume information from the USB flash drive.
You’ll now use the Create Partition Primary command to create a primary partition on the disk. After you create the partition, you will see a success message and the focus will automatically shift to the new partition. You’ll use the Active command to mark the partition as active, as shown in Figure E. Marking the partition as active will essentially allow the BIOS to recognize that the partition is a valid bootable system partition.

Figure E

Using the Create Partition Primary and the Active commands, you’ll create a bootable partition on the USB flash drive.
With the partition created and active, you’re now ready to quickly format the drive and set up the FAT32 file system using the Format fs=FAT32 quick command. (While you could format the drive as NTFS, the typical way to format a USB flash drive is to use FAT32.) Once the drive is formatted, you’ll use the Assign command, as shown in Figure F, to allow the drive to be assigned a drive letter.

Figure F

To complete the preparation, you’ll format the drive and assign it a drive letter.
The USB flash drive is now ready. At this point, you can use the Exit command to exit the DiskPart environment and then close the Command Prompt window.

Copying the Windows 7 files

Copying the Windows 7 files is easy. Just open Windows Explorer, access the Windows 7 DVD, select all the files and folders, and then drag and drop them on the USB flash drive icon, as shown in Figure G. Keep in mind that the copy operation will take a little while to complete.

Figure G

Once the USB flash drive is ready to go, you can copy all the files and folders from the Windows 7 DVD to the newly prepared bootable drive.


To Access….
Run Command
Accessibility Controls   access.cpl  
Accessibility Wizard   accwiz  
Add Hardware Wizard hdwwiz.cpl 
Add/Remove Programs  appwiz.cpl 
Administrative Tools control admintools 
Adobe Acrobat (if installed)   acrobat  
Adobe Designer (if installed)   acrodist  
Adobe Distiller (if installed)   acrodist  
Adobe ImageReady (if installed)   imageready  
Adobe Photoshop (if installed)   photoshop  
Automatic Updates wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard fsquirt
Calculator calc
Certificate Manager certmgr.msc
Character Map charmap
Check Disk Utility chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer clipbrd
Command Prompt cmd
Component Services dcomcnfg
Computer Management compmgmt.msc
Control Panel   control  
Date and Time Properties  timedate.cpl 
DDE Shares ddeshare
Device Manager devmgmt.msc
Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* directx.cpl
Direct X Troubleshooter dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility cleanmgr
Disk Defragment dfrg.msc
Disk Management diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager diskpart
Display Properties control desktop 
Display Properties desk.cpl
Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) control color 
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utility verifier
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
Files and Settings Transfer Tool   migwiz  
File Signature Verification Tool sigverif
Findfast findfast.cpl
Firefox (if installed)   firefox  
Folders Properties control folders
Fonts control fonts 
Fonts Folder fonts
Free Cell Card Game freecell
Game Controllers  joy.cpl 
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) gpedit.msc
Hearts Card Game mshearts
Help and Support   helpctr  
HyperTerminal   hypertrm  
Iexpress Wizard iexpress
Indexing Service ciadv.msc
Internet Connection Wizard   icwconn1  
Internet Explorer   iexplore  
Internet Properties  inetcpl.cpl 
Internet Setup Wizard   inetwiz  
IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration)
ipconfig /all
IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /displaydns
IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /flushdns
IP Configuration (Release All Connections)
ipconfig /release
IP Configuration (Renew All Connections)
ipconfig /renew
IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS)
ipconfig /registerdns
IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)
ipconfig /showclassid
IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)
ipconfig /setclassid
Java Control Panel (If Installed) jpicpl32.cpl
Java Control Panel (If Installed) javaws
Keyboard Properties control keyboard 
Local Security Settings secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows logoff
Malicious Software Removal Tool   mrt  
Microsoft Access (if installed)   access.cpl  
Microsoft Chat winchat
Microsoft Excel (if installed)   excel  
Microsoft Frontpage (if installed)   frontpg  
Microsoft Movie Maker   moviemk  
Microsoft Paint   mspaint  
Microsoft Powerpoint (if installed)   powerpnt  
Microsoft Word (if installed)   winword  
Microsoft Syncronization Tool   mobsync  
Minesweeper Game winmine
Mouse Properties control mouse 
Mouse Properties main.cpl
Nero (if installed)   nero  
Netmeeting   conf  
Network Connections control netconnections 
Network Connections ncpa.cpl 
Network Setup Wizard netsetup.cpl
Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) nvtuicpl.cpl
Object Packager packager
ODBC Data Source Administrator odbccp32.cpl
On Screen Keyboard osk
Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) ac3filter.cpl
Outlook Express   msimn  
Paint   pbrush  
Password Properties password.cpl
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc
Performance Monitor perfmon
Phone and Modem Options  telephon.cpl 
Phone Dialer   dialer  
Pinball Game   pinball  
Power Configuration  powercfg.cpl 
Printers and Faxes control printers 
Printers Folder printers
Private Character Editor eudcedit
Quicktime (If Installed) QuickTime.cpl
Quicktime Player (if installed)   quicktimeplayer  
Real Player (if installed)   realplay  
Regional Settings  intl.cpl 
Registry Editor regedit
Registry Editor regedit32
Remote Access Phonebook   rasphone  
Remote Desktop
Removable Storage ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) rsop.msc
Scanners and Cameras sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks control schedtasks 
Security Center wscui.cpl
Services services.msc
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows shutdown
Sounds and Audio  mmsys.cpl 
Spider Solitare Card Game spider
SQL Client Configuration cliconfg
System Configuration Editor sysedit
System Configuration Utility msconfig
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)
sfc /scannow
System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot)
sfc /scanonce
System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot)
sfc /scanboot
System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting)
sfc /revert
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)
sfc /purgecache
System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) sfc /cachesize=x
System Information   msinfo32  
System Properties  sysdm.cpl 
Task Manager taskmgr
TCP Tester   tcptest  
Telnet Client telnet
Tweak UI (if installed)   tweakui  
User Account Management nusrmgr.cpl
Utility Manager utilman
Windows Address Book   wab  
Windows Address Book Import Utility    wabmig  
Windows Backup Utility (if installed)   ntbackup  
Windows Explorer   explorer  
Windows Firewall firewall.cpl
Windows Magnifier magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure wmimgmt.msc
Windows Media Player   wmplayer  
Windows Messenger   msmsgs  
Windows Picture Import Wizard (need camera connected)   wiaacmgr  
Windows System Security Tool syskey
Windows Update Launches wupdmgr
Windows Version (to show which version of windows)   winver  
Windows XP Tour Wizard tourstart
Wordpad write
